
Showing posts from May, 2019


Some of you cannot look at older posts. Thus has been requested many times Premature Ejaculation - 8 Cures (from Men's Health) I will either be posting or re-posting something on premature ejaculation most days. It saves me from typing the answers 100 times a day (and I am not exaggerating). If it does not affect you then that is great. If you know of people it might affect please share it and most of the posts. That is how we will help each other. "60 seconds is all it takes. Well, at least for you and the other 50 million-plus one-minute men in America. About one in three men suffer from premature ejaculation at some point in their lives, according to Mayo Clinic. It’s the most common sexual dysfunction in men. Luckily, once you gain access to the one-minute man club, you don’t have to be a member for life. Follow these eight expert- approved tips to last as long as you (and your partner) want in the sack." Now I will give you the highlights of the...

Reasons Why People Become Victims In Relationship

Rebecca was so much in love with Jason while they were in college. Their relationship was the talk of the town because they were bright students. Many ladies were vying to have Jason has their boyfriend because he was friendly, brilliant and soft spoken. Rebecca, knew this and was advised to have sex with Jason so that she can forever secure his love. . Coincidentally, Jason told Rebecca to prove her love to him by giving him sex. After much persistence, she agreed and gives him sex whenever he wants. In the long run, she noticed some attitudinal change in Jason. . Jason put up a little quarrel and the relationship ended on a sad note. Here is Rebecca, heart broken, hurt, emotionally traumatized and disappointed. She became a victim in her relationship. Who is to be blamed? . It is very sad to hear stories like this happening in relationship. The news of abortion, divorce, separation, unwanted pregnancy, fornication, adultery are no longer new to us because it i...