Schedule and Guideline for Online Test
Kindly follow the procedure below to participate in the online
1). Check the schedule section (at the end of the page) and
take note of the date for your test.
The schedule has been prepared using the first alphabet of
each candidate’s surname.
For example, if your surname is Gabriel or Harrison (G, H),
then your test date falls on March 26, and if your surname is
Abraham or Bello (A, B) then you are to take your test on
March 23.
2). Set an event reminder/alarm on your phone or other device
so that you do not miss the date.
3). On the date for your test, send an inbox message
(containing just your email address and full name) to this
Page in order to receive the web link to your test.
You can do this on a computer or using a mobile phone that
has Facebook messenger installed.
4). Visit the web link, get registered with same email address
and full name, read the instructions provided, and then
proceed to take the test.
Test can be taken using a computer or good quality mobile
phone at any time of the day as far as it is within the
scheduled date.
The test comprises of two parts, Sections A and B, each of
which consist of an Essay and about 15 questions with
multiple choice answers.
1. The email address and full name to be used for this Stage
Two should be the same with the one you used for Stage
One. In case you mis-typed your email address in your
application, you should use the correct one this time around
but ensure to bring up the issue during the interview (if you
are invited). Same applies to other mistakes.
2. The online test is open to all candidates that participated in
Stage One – whether through creating Application Profile or
submitting Application Form or both.
3. No candidate from Stage One has been disqualified at this
Be informed however, that not keeping to instructions will
adversely affect your chances of success.
Alphabets -- Date
A, B -- March 23
C, D -- March 24
E, F -- March 25
G, H -- March 26
I, J -- March 27
K, L -- March 28
M, N -- March 29
O, P -- March 30
Q, R -- March 31
S, T -- April 1
U, V -- April 2
W, X -- April 3
Y, Z -- April 4
Visit Global Standard Tests - GLOBSTAND on Facebook.
The Aptitude and Comprehension Test (ACT) for SUSDEVI
recruitment in Nigeria will commence tomorrow Saturday March
23, 2019.
Link to the test will be made available via inbox as from 12:00
am for the first batch comprising every applicant whose
surname starts with A or B.
Applicants should just send or resend their full names and email
address as inbox message to get the test link.
For more info visit https://
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