Its sports day at school and we decided to do blind race meaning
the children faces will be covered with handkerchief and they are
expected to pick a ball. The game was fun for we the audience
but hectic, stressful and difficult for the pupils. Some will take so
long before they can pick a ball while some soon. Some will even
use their hands or legs to kick the ball away Hmmm.....
Now the point here is that, as we were catching fun, I was seeing
these children as youths in search of a life partner. We are all
BLIND, like the saying 'love is blind'. Blind in the sense that we
don't know who our future partner will be (the ball) yet we keep
searching and searching. Some find soon and easily while some
will sweat and labour tirelessly before they can get theirs, while
some won't even get at all because they used their hands or legs
to chase their partner away or were not opportune to Pick a ball.
Why? Because we are all blind.....
Like Yoruba will say, oja okunkun ni igbeyawo meaning that
marriage is like a black market, until you get in you don't know
what you are in for.
I pray for singles,
May we find our soul mate soon and easily in Jesus name
May God put an end to every marital delay in Jesus name
Let someone with a great faith say, I am picking my ball (partner)
this year.
©Ayorinde Esther Temitope 2019
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