Sequel to my post on PENIS SIZE AND DIVORCE, some guys
have developed high fever at the thought of being seen as
incompetent with a tiny manhood and that thought alone can
render any man impotent! No man likes to be seen as a sexual
failure, never! What it will take will it take, never will any man
open his two eyes and allow his wife rubbish his performance in
bed! It's no wonder Viagra among others including those Hausa
herbs, cream and rub are selling like crazy!
Some ladies are also scared to death at the thought of having a
big "thing" pass through her holy of holies on the wedding night.
That thought alone makes them freeze to the point of being frigid
while the non virgins hope they will get something bigger than
their last boy friends and on and on it goes!
There is nothing to be scared of when it comes to sex, when you
are marrying God's will, everything is automatically taken care of
including the size of penis. God is going to give you the exact
size you need and can handle in marriage. The problem is most
people are marrying someone not meant for them and sex is the
first to suffer in that kind of marriage!
You need to brush your knowledge and understand your sexual
anatomy before you get married! Your vagina is not made of
plastic or iron, it is elastic and therefore can stretch. That you
find it difficult putting a single finger in doesn't mean it won't
stretch to accommodate your husband's penis. If it can
conveniently stretch to accommodate a baby's head at child birth
then your husband's penis is no big deal.
Regardless of the size of your penis, if she marries as a virgin,
you will fit her well, nothing to get scared on. Over time it will
adjust to suit you properly, both of you will find ways to enjoy and
satisfy each other, since she has not had any sexual experience
before with no one to compare you with, she won't complain your
penis is too small.
If she had had sex before and abstain for years till wedding, her
vagina will close back to the pre-sex size and may even feel the
pain of a virgin on the wedding night. She will conveniently
accommodate you regardless of the size. From about one year
upward, no matter how much she has had sex in the past, her
vagina closes back and regain firmness and tightness.
Whether virgin or not, vagina stretches after childbirth and
conscious effort needs to be taken to regain firmness, tightness
and enjoy sex.
As I've always said, SEX IS STRICTLY FOR THE MARRIED. If you
go having sex like a bitch, a whore or a sex maniac, you have
yourself alone to blame! There is nothing compared to remaining
a virgin till your wedding night, nothing!
That lady in my previous post had serious sexual problems in
marriage because of her sexual past, her past kept haunting her
to the point of divorcing her husband!
Some virgins also have problems due to ignorance and over
religiosity they call holiness.
Keep your virginity at all cost, it's your pride and also seek
knowledge before you get married so you won't live in pain,
frustration and marital crises.
May the Lord open your eyes of understanding.
Thanks for reading. God bless you. Cheers!
© Seun Oladele, 2018; re posted, 2019.


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