Rejection can be devastating. I mean, there are people you love,
you like, you are completely crazy for, you have that chemistry,
you click with them and sense that deep connection, yet they are
not responding!
You've sent all known signal in the world yet they are not getting
You even started a relationship with one or two but they act cold,
ate your money or demand for sex then on flimsy excuse break
the relationship yet age is no longer on your side. You keep loving
and get nothing in return, eventually you sat down and ask, "what
is wrong with me?" You recollected all the complain of all your ex
and these shatter your self esteem to pieces, you begin to feel
bad, useless, worthless, not good enough, unwanted, unneeded,
undesirable, etc but that is not the absolute truth!
A bad relationship doesn't mean you are bad really, it's just a sign
you are not made for each other. You need to relax, take a breath
and learn to see things the way they are.
Not every one will like you. Not everyone will fall in love with your
temperament. Not every one is crazy about a light/dark
complexion man/woman. No matter how beautiful, handsome or
virtuous you think you are, if you give yourself to someone who
does not appreciate you, you will be treated like trash!
Despite my sharp brain, a close friend didn't find me physically
appealing to.him. Despite his good looks, dress sense, body built
and generosity, he just wasn't my kind of future husband. He had
weaknesses that drove me crazy. I was tempted to end the
friendship several times but thought otherwise. He is married to
his choice woman today and I married mine.
Don't let any broken relationship/rejected love define you. You are
an awesome woman, a great man. You have great virtues needed
and wanted by your future spouse, don't waste it on someone
who does not appreciate you. Yes, work on your weaknesses;
deal with the anger, rage, malice, covetousness, abuse, lust,
wastefulness, etc but don't change your core/real self because of
anybody. Don't dump your vision, dream, goal, aspiration because
you want to get married.
Thank God the wrong people have left your life. Pray for your own
bone and flesh.
Attracting the right people who appreciate and celebrate you is a
skill you must master if you want to get married on time. To
attract your real flesh and bone, read my ebook, "How To Attract
Your Perfect Soul Mate." It will help a lot. You should also read
my ebook "Overcoming Marital Delay" if you are constantly
attracting the wrong ones or experiencing broken engagement
over and over again and age is no longer on your side.
Wipe your tears, stand tall and declare: "I am fearfully and
wonderfully made. I am great, I am glorious, I am virtuous, I am
a man of valour! My own husband/wife shall not miss me. We
shall locate each other soon and get married gloriously in Jesus'
name." You will not mis-choose, you will not enter the wrong
marriage, you will not pick somebody else's bone and flesh in
Jesus' name. Thanks for reading. God bless you. Cheers!
© Seun Oladele.


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