Relationship tips.
One of the greatest challenge many singles at the verge of
making marital choices face in life is to know how to find the
right partner or to know who the right partner is.
It doesn't cost much to marry anyone you like but when it comes
to finding the right partner, it's almost an Herculean task. Finding
the right partner is more than marrying anyone who catches your
fancy, you have to know the consequences of marrying the wrong
In today's world, there has been a lot of deviation from Biblical
principles as to how to find the right partner. Some relationship
counselors would tell you to marry your best friend, catch them
young, go out on a date to find the right person, marry who you
love and so on.
If all these were to be true, why are marriages ending in divorce,
deceit, separation and abuse?
See, there are two ways of finding a thing: it's either you use the
shortcut or endure the process of using the normal route.
I do not care about the popularity of a principle, what matters
most is that: is it according to the Creator's blueprint?
If you want to get it right, you must follow the guidelines that God
Adam was in a state of "deep sleep" when He was making the
right partner for him and it connotes "REST".
If you want to find the right partner, "rest". Rest means a state of
inactivity, being motionless or doing nothing. Adam wasn't
sampling the animals to know the right partner but he did
something captured in Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all
your heart and don't lean onto your own understanding".
Does it mean I'd be doing nothing? Does it mean God will send
an angel to me showing me the right partner?
Here are the things you must do while resting. While resting, don't
worry or be impatient but do the following.
1. Pray
Pray about who to marry when you discover that God's
impressing the matter of marriage in your heart. Pray to know the
person. Jeremiah 33:3 and Daniel 2:22 are good scriptures to
When you prayerfully seek His face for guidance, He'll speak to
you. Don't depend only on prayer contractors, prophets or MOGs;
they're good for confirmation but if you solely depend on them,
confusion would set in.
Pray, He will speak to you. Don't wait till you're hitting the point of
getting married before you develop your spiritual life. The health
of your spiritual life is an enabling factor that makes you to know
the right partner.
Let God speak personally to you on this matter. There's NOBODY
that God cannot speak to, take away sin from your life and be
rightly positioned. It's only ignorance and laziness that prevents
many from investing in their spiritual life but when it's carnal
things, they have the strength for it.
2. Be Patient
It's not immediately that you pray that God will bring the right
partner, in some cases, it takes a while. When you pray, He will
show you some details about the person.
Be patient because persons with similar features will come your
way. In fact, the devil can manipulate the manifestation prior to
His own appointed time.
Don't rush. Don't be in a hurry to get married. It takes patience to
marry the right partner and to have a good marriage but
impatience pushes you into the wrong relationship.
Don't let internal and external pressure influence your decision.
Wait! Even if God has revealed and confirmed it, still be patient.
Abram's impatience led to the birth of Ishmael that became a
thorn in the flesh of his descendants. There's always a time for
God to fulfill His word over your marital life. Don't compare
yourself with others and don't run ahead of His timing.
According to my friend, Tolu Agboola, "God's purpose for your
life is important than your own timing".
3. Be Careful
Next to being patient is to be careful. Be careful of being misled.
Be careful of being matchmaked when God hasn't spoken.
Be careful of who you tell to help you interpret what God showed
you, it's not everyone that has the spiritual capacity to interpret
revelations accurately. Some may not even be in the right spiritual
frame to do so or inquire from God.
Satan doesn't know the will of God for your life, but when God
speaks, he hears through your flesh. Be careful. God speaks. The
flesh speaks. Situation speaks, so also the opinion of men.
Having prayed, being patient and being careful; you need these to
ascertain who the right partner is.
1. Divine revelation
God speaks through dreams, vision, trance and His word (The
scripture). Dreams comes from God, the devil and through the
multitude of your business (thoughts) in the day.
The only way to authenticate divine revelation is through the word
of God. And the confirmation gotten from those who are
spiritually mature than you or your spirit-filled brethren is of great
However, the state of your prayer life and your proximity to God
determines the accuracy of your revelation and your spiritual all your getting, get understanding (spiritual).
2. Spiritual discernment
Do you know that Samuel almost made the mistake of anointing
the wrong person as a king? Thank God for His ability to hear His
There's a knowing that settles all doubt and confusion. There's a
knowing that gives you peace that surpasses all human
understanding which doesn't come from emotional bliss or
If you don't see vision or dream, which is impossible, then you
must be discerning.
Worldly principles can't fetch you the right partner. Your
education, experience and exposure would equally fail but I can't
beat the chest in assurance that adopting these Biblical principles
would guarantee you success in finding the right partner.
Whether you use the right principle or worldly philosophy; the
storm would come, the rain would beat upon your marriage and
the flood will descend upon it. If your marriage will fail or
succeed, it depends on your foundation: who you marry, the
principles you adopt and if you're the right person.
You can't over-pray, pray for God to show you who He's prepared
for you; be patient, nothing done in haste ends well and be
careful so that you won't miss it maritally.
© Oluwamayowa Adeniyi 2019
One of the greatest challenge many singles at the verge of
making marital choices face in life is to know how to find the
right partner or to know who the right partner is.
It doesn't cost much to marry anyone you like but when it comes
to finding the right partner, it's almost an Herculean task. Finding
the right partner is more than marrying anyone who catches your
fancy, you have to know the consequences of marrying the wrong
In today's world, there has been a lot of deviation from Biblical
principles as to how to find the right partner. Some relationship
counselors would tell you to marry your best friend, catch them
young, go out on a date to find the right person, marry who you
love and so on.
If all these were to be true, why are marriages ending in divorce,
deceit, separation and abuse?
See, there are two ways of finding a thing: it's either you use the
shortcut or endure the process of using the normal route.
I do not care about the popularity of a principle, what matters
most is that: is it according to the Creator's blueprint?
If you want to get it right, you must follow the guidelines that God
Adam was in a state of "deep sleep" when He was making the
right partner for him and it connotes "REST".
If you want to find the right partner, "rest". Rest means a state of
inactivity, being motionless or doing nothing. Adam wasn't
sampling the animals to know the right partner but he did
something captured in Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all
your heart and don't lean onto your own understanding".
Does it mean I'd be doing nothing? Does it mean God will send
an angel to me showing me the right partner?
Here are the things you must do while resting. While resting, don't
worry or be impatient but do the following.
1. Pray
Pray about who to marry when you discover that God's
impressing the matter of marriage in your heart. Pray to know the
person. Jeremiah 33:3 and Daniel 2:22 are good scriptures to
When you prayerfully seek His face for guidance, He'll speak to
you. Don't depend only on prayer contractors, prophets or MOGs;
they're good for confirmation but if you solely depend on them,
confusion would set in.
Pray, He will speak to you. Don't wait till you're hitting the point of
getting married before you develop your spiritual life. The health
of your spiritual life is an enabling factor that makes you to know
the right partner.
Let God speak personally to you on this matter. There's NOBODY
that God cannot speak to, take away sin from your life and be
rightly positioned. It's only ignorance and laziness that prevents
many from investing in their spiritual life but when it's carnal
things, they have the strength for it.
2. Be Patient
It's not immediately that you pray that God will bring the right
partner, in some cases, it takes a while. When you pray, He will
show you some details about the person.
Be patient because persons with similar features will come your
way. In fact, the devil can manipulate the manifestation prior to
His own appointed time.
Don't rush. Don't be in a hurry to get married. It takes patience to
marry the right partner and to have a good marriage but
impatience pushes you into the wrong relationship.
Don't let internal and external pressure influence your decision.
Wait! Even if God has revealed and confirmed it, still be patient.
Abram's impatience led to the birth of Ishmael that became a
thorn in the flesh of his descendants. There's always a time for
God to fulfill His word over your marital life. Don't compare
yourself with others and don't run ahead of His timing.
According to my friend, Tolu Agboola, "God's purpose for your
life is important than your own timing".
3. Be Careful
Next to being patient is to be careful. Be careful of being misled.
Be careful of being matchmaked when God hasn't spoken.
Be careful of who you tell to help you interpret what God showed
you, it's not everyone that has the spiritual capacity to interpret
revelations accurately. Some may not even be in the right spiritual
frame to do so or inquire from God.
Satan doesn't know the will of God for your life, but when God
speaks, he hears through your flesh. Be careful. God speaks. The
flesh speaks. Situation speaks, so also the opinion of men.
Having prayed, being patient and being careful; you need these to
ascertain who the right partner is.
1. Divine revelation
God speaks through dreams, vision, trance and His word (The
scripture). Dreams comes from God, the devil and through the
multitude of your business (thoughts) in the day.
The only way to authenticate divine revelation is through the word
of God. And the confirmation gotten from those who are
spiritually mature than you or your spirit-filled brethren is of great
However, the state of your prayer life and your proximity to God
determines the accuracy of your revelation and your spiritual all your getting, get understanding (spiritual).
2. Spiritual discernment
Do you know that Samuel almost made the mistake of anointing
the wrong person as a king? Thank God for His ability to hear His
There's a knowing that settles all doubt and confusion. There's a
knowing that gives you peace that surpasses all human
understanding which doesn't come from emotional bliss or
If you don't see vision or dream, which is impossible, then you
must be discerning.
Worldly principles can't fetch you the right partner. Your
education, experience and exposure would equally fail but I can't
beat the chest in assurance that adopting these Biblical principles
would guarantee you success in finding the right partner.
Whether you use the right principle or worldly philosophy; the
storm would come, the rain would beat upon your marriage and
the flood will descend upon it. If your marriage will fail or
succeed, it depends on your foundation: who you marry, the
principles you adopt and if you're the right person.
You can't over-pray, pray for God to show you who He's prepared
for you; be patient, nothing done in haste ends well and be
careful so that you won't miss it maritally.
© Oluwamayowa Adeniyi 2019
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