
Showing posts from March, 2019


 By. Enemuo Chidi When you notice she has started making funny advances towards you; don't think she is being attracted by your handsomeness - NO SIRR!!! She is being attracted by your STAR!  She is a high-class ,gorgeous,pretty babe that wealthy guys out there are willing to spend on,just to lay with her... But for you, she has decided to give it to you free of charge despite the fact that you don't measure up to the type of guys that are queueing to have her... My dear can't you see...?!!! It is your STAR she is after... She is a star Hunter positioned by Satan to empty your destiny... She wants to sap you dry until there will be no trace of anointing left in your life... My dear, nothing is as costly as free sex...  Free sex has turned many prophets into puppets and many fire brands into fire extinguishers... If only your spiritual eyes are opened, you will see that lurked behind the beauty is a beast waiting to ravage your soul... Young man, st...


Feeling is part of love, I won't encourage you to marry someone you have no single feelings for. I thought about Adewunmi all day, all night till I ask God, "I'm tired of thinking about this gentle lamb all morning, all night without knowing exactly where the relationship is heading. Is he the one?" I was in love with this guy and had that soft, warm, pure, electric, sweet sensation (not lustful) feelings for him. I prayed about it, God said, "Baby, that's your husband". The day he came to propose, I saw angels and stars, I went to heaven, came back and said a big, fat, " Yes!" I still have that soft, warm, tender feelings for him but not all the time like we were courting. You know why? I now see his weaknesses full scale! I sleep with him and see him daily! I get under pressure at times and my temper would flare! He would do things that get me angry and all tender, loving FEELINGS would fly right out of the window! If my ma...


Many marriages are just for sleeping and waking up, raising kids and ageing together till death comes. 1. Many couples hardly kiss and they only hug each other when they receive good news. 2. The husband only puts food in his wife's mouth only when she is terminally ill and cant feed herself. 3. If you see a man opening car door for his wife means the door is faulty. 4. The only thing that makes an african man touch his wife's neck is when she complains of fever. He wont touch it again till the next fever. 5. The only time he can carry his wife on his arms is when she is in labour. 6. if you see them seated outside at night, dont think they are romantic. They are only waiting for the smell of insecticide to vanish. 7. Many wives buy gifts for their husbands only when they are hospitalized. 8. The only time they race together is when there is danger and everyone is running. 9. The only time they go for evening stroll is when they want to go and lay a compl...


One of the most delicate relationship problems is the issue of EX LOVERS. Keeping a close contact with your EX is not advisable if you have started another relationship. Also friendship with an EX cannot continue after marriage. Have you ever thought of why they left or behaved the way they did? The truth is that if they truly loved and missed you, they shouldn't have abandoned you or dumped you, they would have either married you or break up with you mutually. My beloved pals, be careful how you relate with your Ex, never discuss your current relationship with your EX. It is a dangerous path to thread. If you have started a new relationship or you are married, please keep your EX at a distance. They should please step aside while you enjoy your relationship, dating or marriage. Now pay attention to this bitter facts, Some EX lovers are very crafty, smart, wicked, stubborn and can as well blackmail you to do his or her bidding. They can be very desperate. Most ...


I tell 95% of my single counsellees to end their relationships! What most of them call relationship is nothing but abuse! If you experience any of these, no matter how madly in love you are with that person, it's time to let go! 1. YOU DO ALL THE CHASE: A loving relationship is mutual. A woman shouldn't chase a man who has no interest in her. If he truly loves you, he should chase you, if you like him respond to the chase. After the proposal and acceptance, both of you should chase each other. He loves you, you love him too. He calls you, you call too. That is balance! He takes you out, you respond, balance! If as a man you are the one doing all the call, the chase, the chat, the bills, the dates, you have no relationship! If as a lady, you do all the call, visit, chat, dates, etc, that man does not value you, let the relationship go! 2. THEY RIDICULE YOU: That is verbal abuse! Constant jesting, laughing at you, making fun of you, ridiculing you, looking dow...


Sequel to my post on PENIS SIZE AND DIVORCE, some guys have developed high fever at the thought of being seen as incompetent with a tiny manhood and that thought alone can render any man impotent! No man likes to be seen as a sexual failure, never! What it will take will it take, never will any man open his two eyes and allow his wife rubbish his performance in bed! It's no wonder Viagra among others including those Hausa herbs, cream and rub are selling like crazy! Some ladies are also scared to death at the thought of having a big "thing" pass through her holy of holies on the wedding night. That thought alone makes them freeze to the point of being frigid while the non virgins hope they will get something bigger than their last boy friends and on and on it goes! There is nothing to be scared of when it comes to sex, when you are marrying God's will, everything is automatically taken care of including the size of penis. God is going to give you th...


A MUST READ 1. Be Patient With Your Partner: Avoid forcing your lover to do something against his or her wish. Let everything happen in the right time. There is no need to rush. 2. Be An Understanding Partner: Try to believe what your lover tells you, if he tells you that he failed to get airtime to call you, try to understand. He’s also a human being like you. If she tells you that by the time you called her, she was asleep–please try to understand. She also gets tired and she needs to rest like any other person. 3. Always Forgive And Forget: Avoid bringing back the old things your lover did to you in the past every time you get a quarrel. 4. Be Caring: I don’t mean you should go and borrow money from the bank and friends to buy costly things for your partner or taking him or her to expensive hotels. I mean doing the little things that suits your wallet. Trust me if your lover is understanding he/she will appreciate and love you that way. 5. Maintain The...


Cleanliness is next to holiness abi,how clean are you as a lady,is very important, did you know that 50 % of most men are attracted to lady because of their cleanliness, because if she is not Clean, she cannot take of your home. take dis instructions and Thank me later. 1. Always wash your vagina after sex to avoid odour. 2. Drink plenty water everyday so as to wash bacteria and infections out of your body 3. Always massage your breast before bedtime or let your man suck it so hard to avoid cancer . . . 4. Don't wash your vagina with any kind of soap. Clean water alone is enough. 5. If you're the type that likes giving her man # BlowJob, try as much as you can to brush your teeth/mouth morning and night and take a cup of lemon warm water every morning after brushing to avoid mouth odour/mouth infection. 6. Always shave your armpits and pubic hairs 7. As a lady, take lots of yogurts and pineapples because, it helps in making vagina healthy and sweet during ...


Joomta is a free-to-join referral platform that pays you up N40,000 every month for referring people to Joomta pays you N400 each time you refer someone to join How Joomta Works: Sign up for free on the Start referring friends and acquaintances. Whenever you refer someone to join, you earn N400. If you refer 10 people, you earn N4,000. If you refer 30 people, you earn N12,000. And if you refer 100 people, you earn N40,000. The maximum number of people you’re allowed to refer in a month is 100 people. Ownership of multiple accounts is not allowed. Joomta pays referrers on the third day of the next month. So if you earn N24,000 this March, you’ll be paid your N24,000 earning on the 3rd day of April next month. If the 3rd day of a month falls on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday), you’ll be paid on the working day (Monday) immediately following that weekend. How Joomta Makes ...


TEST  COMMENCED TODAY. SUSDEVI RECRUITMENT (STAGE TWO): Schedule and Guideline for Online Test YESTERDAY · PUBLIC Kindly follow the procedure below to participate in the online test. 1). Check the schedule section (at the end of the page) and take note of the date for your test. The schedule has been prepared using the first alphabet of each candidate’s surname. For example, if your surname is Gabriel or Harrison (G, H), then your test date falls on March 26, and if your surname is Abraham or Bello (A, B) then you are to take your test on March 23. 2). Set an event reminder/alarm on your phone or other device so that you do not miss the date. 3).  On the date for your test, send an inbox message (containing just your  email address and full name) to this Page in order to receive the web link to  your test. You can do this on a computer or using a mobile phone that has Facebook messenger installed. 4). Visit the web link, get registered with...


Heartbreaking News: Graduate kills self over love affair Handsome Fresh Graduate Kills self With Poison Because His Beautiful Girlfriend Dumped Him for Another Man "This is Charles Paul Orji who graduated last year from Ken Saro Wiwa polytechnic Bori department of Estate Management... ...He took his life (poisoned) this morning just because his girlfriend (the girl below) dumped him for another man." Very pathetic indeed. What do you think about suicide due to heartbreak. Drop your comments. 


Relationship tips. One of the greatest challenge many singles at the verge of making marital choices face in life is to know how to find the right partner or to know who the right partner is. . It doesn't cost much to marry anyone you like but when it comes to finding the right partner, it's almost an Herculean task. Finding the right partner is more than marrying anyone who catches your fancy, you have to know the consequences of marrying the wrong person. . In today's world, there has been a lot of deviation from Biblical principles as to how to find the right partner. Some relationship counselors would tell you to marry your best friend, catch them young, go out on a date to find the right person, marry who you love and so on. . If all these were to be true, why are marriages ending in divorce, deceit, separation and abuse? . See, there are two ways of finding a thing: it's either you use the shortcut or endure the process of using the normal...


Rejection can be devastating. I mean, there are people you love, you like, you are completely crazy for, you have that chemistry, you click with them and sense that deep connection, yet they are not responding! You've sent all known signal in the world yet they are not getting it! You even started a relationship with one or two but they act cold, ate your money or demand for sex then on flimsy excuse break the relationship yet age is no longer on your side. You keep loving and get nothing in return, eventually you sat down and ask, "what is wrong with me?" You recollected all the complain of all your ex and these shatter your self esteem to pieces, you begin to feel bad, useless, worthless, not good enough, unwanted, unneeded, undesirable, etc but that is not the absolute truth! A bad relationship doesn't mean you are bad really, it's just a sign you are not made for each other. You need to relax, take a breath and learn to see things the way t...


A MUST READ! When my wife gave birth, I was at work. The doctor who was following my wife during her pregnancy called me to tell me to come to the hospital urgently. When I arrived, I saw the child, it was as if I had been hit with a log of wood on the neck, I had a headache. I sat down and the doctor told me that my wife had left, when she saw the child she did not support so she left despite her condition, she said that it is not her child and she left in tears, in a word she left the child in the hospital. The doctor asked me what I wanted for the child, my answer did not take 1 second, in less than a second without hesitation I replied that I will take care of the child. I had a small supermarket. I sold the whole supermarket to stay with the child to take care of him day and night. All my savings, and the check from the supermarket I invested in caring for the premature baby. I gave him my heart, I gave him my patience, my love and my savings. I took care...


Enough is Enough I want to change some ladies' mind set today. You see, men are not dogs. Not all of them are mad. They are not all sex maniacs that once they see you, they descend on you and finish up before you could open your mouth and say no. Not all the men on the street wants to get into your pants. I'm going to be real and down to earth with this article. The way some ladies complain men are always asking them for sex really baffles me. Why sex, why not marriage proposal? Why do men always want to sleep with you? Why is it that every single guy who asks you out is always hitting you for sex? Why won't they marry you unless they have a taste of the forbidden fruit? What is the problem because this is a big problem! It is not something to be proud of, if all what men see about you is your body and nothing more. It is a cause for alarm! 1. CHECK YOUR DRESSING: A female's body means nothing to her. You are used to seeing your breasts and every s...


 A must read... Sex is not all about making children. You must be a different woman to your husband every time. Seduce your husband, don't always allow your husband to ask for Sex, there must be no timetable for sex. Be creative, don't be predictable. Give him what he wants. If you loose influence over your husband, you have lost womanhood. Be part of your husband plans. Don't have too many children, you wanna sell them ? Allow your husband to check in and out anytime. When a man is sexually satisfied, he is emotionally stable. Stop saying, is it food ? Yes, Sex is food !!! As a wife, try to invest in yourself spiritually so you can adequately support him. Build yourself as his prayer warrior so that you will not be forced to pray at the end of your life. Don't allow your husband to provide all your needs, he is not a money making machine. Iron sharpens iron, try to reciprocate. You are meant to support each other spiritually, financially, physicall...


Suicide for love? Their family never agreed to their marriage, rather tried moving them away from each other. For the love they shared and never wanting to part ways, the young lovers in Bangladesh, commited suicide.


WE WERE NOT TOLD We spent several years in school, from kindergarten to Higher institution just to wear this uniform,but we were not told; that the uniform does not guarantee, quick employment. Three weeks in orientation camp, with paramilitry drilling, all because of this uniform, still we were not told that the drilling is not a yard stick for quick employment. Early morning bath in the cold,rushing to the parade ground because when you miss the first line of the anthem you will have to give proper explanation to the the soldiers, awaiting you with their heartless punishment, yet we were not told that the government has destroyed the Nation decades ago. Climbing trees, jumping poles, crawling under a dangerous wire, running and matching in the sun all because the state government is on his way to visit the camping ground and there's need to impress the nation, yet we were not told; that it's just a waste of time. Sharing toilet with more than 40 corps mem...


10 COMMANDMENTS FOR WOMEN. . 1. Don't be in a hurry to move out of your parents house. . 2. Don't wait for a man before you start living. You can live a fulfilled life as a single woman. . 3. Stay away from alcohol. It has killed others and you are not special. . 4. Don't entertain a wrong number call, especially at night. Its not the right way to find a lover. . 5. Develop a healthy eating habit. Always take breakfast and avoid sweets. . 6. Dress well: Impression count. People will judge you by the way you dress even before they talk to you. . 7. Don't use sex as proof of love. Sex is no proof of love, he'll leave you after the sex. . 8. Don't marry for the money, else you'll become one of his possessions. . 9. Add value to yourself- get a career. Don't be fooled that a man will solve all your problems. . 10. Beauty is not everything. If it is all you have, you'll lose your place to someone beautiful, bette...


Today Diana celebrate 5 yrs of Aids after receiving a total healing from God.. Halleluyah! HIV is a virus that targets and alters the immune system, increasing the risk and impact of other infections and diseases. Without treatment, the infection might progress to an advanced disease stage called AIDS. However, modern advances in treatment mean that people living with HIV in countries with good access to healthcare very rarely develop AIDS once they are receiving treatment. The life expectancy of a person who carries the HIV virus is now approaching that of a person that tests negative for the virus, as long as they adhere to a combination of medications called antiretroviral therapy (ART) on an ongoing basis. A Kaiser Permanente study in 2016 suggested that between 1996 and 2016, the gap in life expectancy between people who are HIV positive and HIV negative closed from 44 years to 12 years . The World Health Organization (WHO) also advises that a person living ...


A MUST READ FOR STUDENTS Nigeria campuses where little girls are practicing  'wifely functions'! Just visit the boys' hostels and you would be disappointed to find out that it is now common for a girl to live in with a course mate. It is now common for her lover to give her the popular compliment 'you look sexy my girl' and she would gladly reply 'thank you honey' with a flirty voice and a romantic smile. Who is her lover? A 300 level student whose CGPA is barely up to 1.78! And they are aiming for the next best couple award for the session by the departmental association. So, the girl need to live in with him to prepare along. What nonsense! It seems that some girls suddenly loose their senses immediately they gain admission. I've seen that some of them have no more sense of caution, honour and dignity. They would change their wardrobes and acquire a new set of make ups just to look 'campussy' and sexy enough for the guys. In ...