1. You are good looking (you take good care of your looks).
2. You are clean (you do not wear one boxer for 3 days).
3. You know how to make clean money.
4. You know how to save money.
5. You know how to multiply money.
6.You know how to give the woman you love the biggest chase
of her life!
7. You know how to propose (you are not the kind that wait for
ladies to 'toast' you).
8. You keep 'pursuing' her when she says NO the first and second
9. You have a functional bank account.
10. You are generous (you do not earn a 100k and give her #200
for hair do).
11. You have a strong control over your libido (you do not harass
her up and down the moment you have an erection).
12. You are not gay.
13. You are not a double-dater
14. You can stay faithful to one woman for the rest of your life.
15. You have self control.
16. You are a professor in the university of patience, long
suffering and endurance.
17. You are born again.
18. You are a prayer addict
19. You are a word addict!
20. You are holy.
These are not all, but you sure must have these qualities if you
wanna get married soon. If not, you ain't ready for marriage...mar
what? A beg, go and sleep (smiling).
Kudos to all the men in the house. Your wives are waiting for
you. Give her the big chase and get married soon. Don't forget to
send me your wedding I.V. God bless you. Cheers!
© Seun Oladele.
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